; docformat = 'rst' ;+ ; Prints basic information about a routine. ; ; :Uses: ; mg_termcolumns ; ; :Examples: ; Try the main-level example at the end of this file:: ; ; IDL> .run man ; ; This:: ; ; IDL> man, 'congrid' ; Filename: /Applications/itt/idl71/lib/congrid.pro ; result = congrid(arr, x, y, z, CENTER=CENTER, CUBIC=CUBIC, ; INTERP=INTERP, MINUS_ONE=MINUS_ONE) ; IDL> man, 'mg_*range*' ; Filename: /Users/mgalloy/projects/idllib/trunk/src/indices/mg_makerange.pro ; result = MG_MAKERANGE(startvalue, stopvalue, INCREMENT=INCREMENT, N=N) ; ; Filename: /Users/mgalloy/projects/idllib/trunk/src/analysis/mg_range.pro ; result = MG_RANGE(var) ;- ;+ ; Routine to resolve a given routine without crashing. ; ; :Returns: ; 1 if the routine was resolved, 0 if not ; ; :Params: ; routine : in, required, type=string ; name of routine to resolve ; ; :Keywords: ; resolved : out, optional, type=boolean ; set to a named variable to find out if the routine was resolved ; _extra : in, optional, type=keywords ; keywords to RESOLVE_ROUTINE ;- pro man_resolveroutine, routine, resolved=resolved, _extra=e compile_opt strictarr, hidden oldQuiet = !quiet !quiet = 1 resolved = 0B catch, error if (error ne 0L) then begin catch, /cancel !quiet = oldQuiet return endif if (strlowcase(routine) ne 'man_resolveroutine') then begin resolve_routine, routine, _extra=e endif resolved = 1B !quiet = oldQuiet end ;+ ; Wrapper for MG_TERMCOLUMNS in case it is not available. ; ; :Returns: ; long ;- function man_width compile_opt strictarr catch, error if (error ne 0L) then begin catch, /cancel return, 80L endif return, mg_termcolumns() end ;+ ; Print a string by splitting it across lines on spaces and indents every line ; except the first using the value of the INDENT keyword. ; ; :Params: ; text : in, required, type=string ; line to print ; ; :Keywords: ; indent : in, optional, type=string, default=' ' ; string to prefix each line except the first ;- pro man_print, text, indent=indent compile_opt strictarr _indent = n_elements(indent) eq 0L ? ' ' : indent _width = man_width() _text = text done = 0B while (~done) do begin line = strmid(_text, 0, _width) done = line eq _text if (done) then begin print, line endif else begin spacePos = strpos(line, ' ', /reverse_search) line = strtrim(strmid(line, 0, spacePos), 0) print, line _text = _indent + strmid(_text, spacePos + 1) endelse endwhile end ;+ ; Checks to see if routine is in list. ; ; :Returns: ; 1 if routine in in list; 0 if not ; ; :Params: ; list : in, required, type=strarr ; list of routines to check against ; routine : in, required, type=string ; name of routine to check (case-insensitive) ;- function man_checkroutine, list, routine compile_opt strictarr, hidden ind = where(list eq strupcase(routine), count) return, count gt 0L end ;+ ; Print comments about a routine. ; ; :Params: ; routine : in, required, type=string ; routine name to look up ;- pro man_routineinfo, routine compile_opt strictarr, hidden isSystem = 0B isFunction = 0B case 1 of man_checkroutine(routine_info(/system), routine): isSystem = 1B man_checkroutine(routine_info(/system, /functions), routine): begin isSystem = 1B isFunction = 1B end man_checkroutine(routine_info(), routine): man_checkroutine(routine_info(/functions), routine): isFunction = 1B else: begin man_resolveroutine, routine, resolved=resolved, /either if (~resolved) then begin print, routine + ' not found' return endif case 1 of man_checkroutine(routine_info(), routine): man_checkroutine(routine_info(/functions), routine): isFunction = 1B else: begin print, routine + ' not found' return end endcase end endcase if (isSystem) then begin help, /dlm, output=output objectFiles = strmid(output[2:*:3], 10) params = '' keywords = '' extraComma = '' separatingComma = '' found = 0B for f = 0L, n_elements(objectFiles) - 1 do begin dlmFile = strmid(objectFiles[f], $ 0, $ strpos(objectFiles[f], '.', /reverse_search)) $ + '.dlm' if (~file_test(dlmFile)) then begin dname = file_dirname(dlmFile) bname = file_basename(dlmFile) dotpos = strpos(bname, '.') dlmFile = dname + path_sep() + strmid(bname, 0, dotpos) + '.dlm' if (~file_test(dlmFile)) then continue endif nlines = file_lines(dlmFile) file = strarr(nlines) openr, lun, dlmFile, /get_lun readf, lun, file free_lun, lun re = (isFunction ? 'function' : 'procedure') + '[[:space:]]+' + routine + '[[:space:]]+.*' lines = stregex(file, re, /boolean, /fold_case) ind = where(lines, nmatches) if (nmatches gt 0L) then begin print, 'Filename: ' + dlmFile tokens = strsplit(file[ind[0]], /extract, count=ntokens) nparams = long(tokens[2:3]) params = nparams[0] eq 0L ? '' : 'arg' + strtrim(lindgen(nparams[0]) + 1L, 2) if (nparams[1] - nparams[0] gt 0L) then begin params = [params, '[arg' + strtrim(lindgen(nparams[1] - nparams[0]) + nparams[0] + 1L, 2) + ']'] endif params = strjoin(params, ', ') keywords = '' if (ntokens gt 4L) then begin ind = where(strmatch(tokens[4:*], 'keywords', /fold_case), count) if (count gt 0L) then keywords = 'KEYWORDS=keywords' endif extraComma = ~isFunction && (nparams[1] + count gt 0L) separatingComma = (nparams[1] gt 0L) && (count gt 0L) found = 1B break endif endfor if (~found) then print, 'Filename: core system routine' endif else begin ; necessary to resolve routines that are mentioned but not resolves i.e. ; ROUTINE_INFO knows they exist but not much else about them if (man_checkroutine(routine_info(/unresolved), routine) $ || man_checkroutine(routine_info(/unresolved, /functions), routine)) then begin man_resolveroutine, routine, /either endif srcInfo = routine_info(routine, functions=isFunction, /source) print, 'Filename: ' + srcInfo.path argInfo = routine_info(routine, functions=isFunction, /parameters) extraComma = ~isFunction && (argInfo.num_args + argInfo.num_kw_args gt 0L) params = argInfo.num_args gt 0L $ ? strlowcase(strjoin(argInfo.args, ', ')) $ : '' keywords = argInfo.num_kw_args gt 0L $ ? strjoin(argInfo.kw_args + '=' + strlowcase(argInfo.kw_args), ', ') $ : '' separatingComma = (argInfo.num_args gt 0L) && (argInfo.num_kw_args gt 0L) endelse format = isFunction ? '(%"result = %s(%s%s%s%s)")' : '(%"%s%s%s%s%s")' man_print, string(routine, $ extraComma ? ', ' : '', $ params, $ separatingComma ? ', ' : '', $ keywords, $ format=format), indent=' ' end ;+ ; Print comments about a routine or finds matching routines. ; ; :Params: ; routine : in, required, type=string ; routine name to look up ;- pro man, routine compile_opt strictarr, hidden if (stregex(routine, '^[_$[:alnum:]]+$', /boolean, /fold_case)) then begin oldQuiet = !quiet !quiet = 1 man_routineinfo, routine !quiet = oldQuiet endif else begin systemProcedures = routine_info(/system) ind = where(strmatch(systemProcedures, routine, /fold_case), nSystemProcedures) if (nSystemProcedures gt 0L) then systemProcedures = systemProcedures[ind] systemFunctions = routine_info(/system, /functions) ind = where(strmatch(systemFunctions, routine, /fold_case), nSystemFunctions) if (nSystemFunctions gt 0L) then systemFunctions = systemFunctions[ind] userProcedures = routine_info() ind = where(strmatch(userProcedures, routine, /fold_case), nUserProcedures) if (nUserProcedures gt 0L) then userProcedures = userProcedures[ind] userFunctions = routine_info(/functions) ind = where(strmatch(userFunctions, routine, /fold_case), nUserFunctions) if (nUserFunctions gt 0L) then userFunctions = userFunctions[ind] oldQuiet = !quiet !quiet = 1 files = file_search(strsplit(!path, path_sep(/search_path), /extract), $ routine + '.pro', $ count=nFiles, /fold_case) if (nFiles gt 0L) then begin files = files[uniq(files, sort(files))] endif !quiet = oldQuiet files = file_basename(files, '.pro') allRoutines = [''] if (nSystemProcedures gt 0L) then allRoutines = [allRoutines, systemProcedures] if (nSystemFunctions gt 0L) then allRoutines = [allRoutines, systemFunctions] if (nUserProcedures gt 0L) then allRoutines = [allRoutines, userProcedures] if (nUserFunctions gt 0L) then allRoutines = [allRoutines, userFunctions] if (nFiles gt 0L) then allRoutines = [allRoutines, files] if (n_elements(allRoutines) eq 1L) then begin print, 'No routines found' return endif else begin allRoutines = allRoutines[1:*] endelse allRoutines = allRoutines[uniq(allRoutines, sort(allRoutines))] nAllRoutines = n_elements(allRoutines) for i = 0L, n_elements(allRoutines) - 1L do begin oldQuiet = !quiet !quiet = 1 man_routineinfo, allRoutines[i] !quiet = oldQuiet if (i ne nAllRoutines - 1L) then print endfor endelse end ; main-level example program print, 'man, ''congrid''' print, '--------------' man, 'congrid' print print, 'man, ''mg_*range*''' print, '-----------------' man, 'mg_*range*' end