The `cmdline_tools` package is a library of routines to make using the IDL command line more convenient. There are several routines that are convenient in normal interactive use of IDL. For example, `pwd` is similar to the UNIX command of the same name for printing the name of the current working directory:: IDL> pwd /Users/mgalloy/projects/cmdline_tools The `ls` command is also useful in normal interactive use for printing a listing of files:: IDL> ls COPYING INSTALL Makefile overview.txt api-docs/ src/ api-userdocs/ unittests/ docs/ The `more` command pages though the contents of a file:: IDL> more, 'COPYING' cmdline_tools is released under a BSD-type license. Copyright (c) 2009, Michael Galloy All rights reserved. ... The `man` command shows the syntax for calling and header docs for a routine:: IDL> man, 'ls' Filename: /Users/mgalloy/projects/cmdline_tools/src/ ls, pattern, ALL=all, LONG=long Substitute for UNIX `ls` command. Automatically uses `-hF` options. ... There are also routines that handle command line issues like setting/querying preferences. The `MG_SET_PATH` routine sets the `!path`, or `!dlm_path` if the `DLM` keyword is set, using `PREF_SET`. `MG_SET_PATH` handles expanding path specifications using `EXPAND_PATH` and also allows particular elements of the directory specification array to be commented out using a `;`. The `MG_FILE_WHICH` routine is a wrapper for `FILE_WHICH`, but adds an `ALL` boolean keyword that reports all files found instead of just the first one:: IDL> print, mg_file_which('', /all) /Users/mgalloy/projects/dist_tools/src/collection/ /Users/mgalloy/projects/idllib/src/collection/ /Users/mgalloy/projects/idldoc/src/collection/ /Users/mgalloy/projects/idldoc/src/dist_tools/collection/ /Users/mgalloy/projects/idldoc/src/collection/ /Users/mgalloy/projects/idldoc/src/dist_tools/collection/ /Users/mgalloy/projects/mgunit/src/dist_tools/collection/ The `MG_PRINT_PATH` routine prints a path, defaulting to `!path`, formatted for the output log:: IDL> mg_print_path, !dlm_path /Users/mgalloy/projects/gpulib/IDL /usr/local/lib /Users/mgalloy/projects/vis/src/flow /Users/mgalloy/projects/vis/src/lineplots /Users/mgalloy/projects/idllib/src/analysis /Users/mgalloy/projects/idllib/src/cula /Users/mgalloy/projects/idllib/src/gsl /Users/mgalloy/projects/idllib/src/introspection /Users/mgalloy/projects/idllib/src/net /Users/mgalloy/projects/cmdline_tools/src /Users/mgalloy/projects/dist_tools/src /Applications/itt/idl/idl80/bin/bin.darwin.x86_64 Using the command line for debugging can be tedious, but the `MG_BREAKPOINT` routine helps by finding routines in your `!path` instead of having to manually specify a path to the routine:: IDL> mg_breakpoint, 'man', 487 This will find the file containing the `MAN` routine and set a breakpoint on line 487. Querying the terminal for its properties and printing to the terminal is another category of routines in this library. `MG_TERMLINES`, `MG_TERMCOLUMNS`, and `MG_TERMISTTY` provide characteristics of the current terminal window. For example, when I use IDL from a command line terminal, the output looks like:: IDL> print, mg_termistty() 1 IDL> print, mg_termcolumns(), mg_termlines() 101 39 From the IDL Workbench, it is something like:: IDL> print, mg_termistty() 0 IDL> print, mg_termcolumns(), mg_termlines() 102 12 If `MG_TERMISTTY()` is true, then `MG_ANSICODE` can produce output in bold and a few different colors by placing some special characters understood by terminals before and after the text:: IDL> print, byte('Red') 82 101 100 IDL> print, byte(mg_ansicode('Red', /red)) 27 91 51 49 109 82 101 100 27 91 48 109 The `MG_PRINT` routine is a handy wrapper to make printing to the output log using C style format codes:: IDL> mg_print, 37., 'Boulder', format='It is %0.1f degrees in %s.' It is 37.0 degrees in Boulder. :Author: Michael Galloy :Copyright: BSD licensed