; docformat = 'rst' ;+ ; Wrapper for MG_USE to be called from the command line. ;- pro mg_use_wrapper compile_opt strictarr args = command_line_args(count=nargs) ; check for -h option if (total(args eq '-h') gt 0.) then begin print, 'usage: mg_use [options] routines...' print print, 'options:' print, ' -h print this help' print, ' -o outdir copy files to outdir' return endif ; check for -o option ind = where(args eq '-o', ofound) if (ofound gt 0L) then begin if (ind[0] eq nargs - 1L) then return outdir = args[ind[0] + 1L] case 1 of ind[0] eq 0L: if (nargs gt 2L) then routines = args[2:*] else return ind[0] eq nargs - 2L: routines = args[0:nargs - 3L] else: routines = [arg[0:ind[0] - 1L], args[ind[0] + 2L:*]] endcase endif else routines = args ; finally, call MG_USE mg_use, routines, outdir end