; docformat = 'rst' ;+ ; Class responsible for storing and retrieving preferences. Preferences are ; persistent across IDL sessions on the same computer. ; ; :Properties: ; author_name ; short name of the author ; app_name ; short name of the application ; author_description ; full name of the author ; app_description ; full name of the application ; app_directory ; location of the directory for the application using these preferences ;- ;+ ; Save the value of a preference. ; ; :Params: ; prefname : in, required, type=string ; case-insensitive name of preference to retrieve ; prefvalue : in, required, type=any ; value of the preference ;- pro mgffprefs::set, prefname, prefvalue compile_opt strictarr on_error, 2 filename = filepath(self->_prefnameToFilename(prefname), root=self.appdir) save, prefvalue, filename=filename end ;+ ; Clear the value of a preference. ; ; :Params: ; prefname : in, required, type=string ; case-insensitive name of preference to retrieve ;- pro mgffprefs::clear, prefname compile_opt strictarr filename = filepath(self->_prefnameToFilename(prefname), root=self.appdir) if (file_test(filename)) then file_delete, filename end ;+ ; Retrieve the value of a preference. ; ; :Returns: ; preference value ; ; :Params: ; prefname : in, required, type=string ; case-insensitive name of preference to retrieve ; ; :Keywords: ; found : out, optional, type=boolean ; set to a named variable to return whether the preference was found ; default : in, optional, type=any ; default value to use if no preference value is found for the given ; preference name ; names : in, optional, type=boolean ; set to return a list of the preference names instead of a value; names ; may not agree exactly with the names given in the set method because ; they have been modified to make valid filename ;- function mgffprefs::get, prefname, found=found, default=default, names=names compile_opt strictarr catch, error if (error ne 0L) then begin catch, /cancel return, n_elements(default) gt 0L ? default : -1L endif if (keyword_set(names)) then begin searchPattern = filepath('*.sav', root=self.appdir) files = file_search(searchPattern, count=count) found = count gt 0L return, found ? file_basename(files, '.sav') : -1L endif found = 0B if (n_elements(prefname) eq 0L) then message, 'preference name required' filename = filepath(self->_prefnameToFilename(prefname), root=self.appdir) if (~file_test(filename)) then return, n_elements(default) gt 0L ? default : -1L restore, filename=filename found = 1B return, prefvalue end ;+ ; Converts a preference name to a valid save filename. ; ; :Returns: ; string ; ; :Params: ; prefname : in, required, type=string ; name of preference ;- function mgffprefs::_prefnameToFilename, prefname compile_opt strictarr return, strlowcase(idl_validname(prefname, /convert_all)) + '.sav' end ;+ ; Returns directory for application data. ; ; :Returns: ; string ; ; :Params: ; authorName : in, required, type=string ; short name of the author ; appName : in, required, type=string ; short application name ; ; :Keywords: ; author_description : in, optional, type=string ; full name of the author ; app_description : in, optional, type=string ; full name of the application ;- function mgffprefs::_getAppDir, authorName, appName, $ author_description=authorDescription, $ app_description=appDescription compile_opt strictarr readmeVersion = 1 _authorDescription = n_elements(authorDescription) eq 0L $ ? authorName $ : authorDescription _appDescription = n_elements(appDescription) eq 0L $ ? appName $ : appDescription readmeText = ['This is the user configuration directory for ' + _appDescription, $ 'by ' + _authorDescription + '.'] configDir = app_user_dir(authorName, _authorDescription, $ appName, _appDescription, $ readmeText, readmeVersion) return, configDir end ;+ ; Get properties. ;- pro mgffprefs::getProperty, app_directory=appDirectory compile_opt strictarr if (arg_present(appDirectory)) then appDirectory = self.appdir end ;+ ; Free resources. ;- pro mgffprefs::cleanup compile_opt strictarr end ;+ ; Initialize a prefs object. ; ; :Returns: ; 1 for success, 0 for failure ; ; :Keywords: ; author_name : in, required, type=string ; short name of the author ; app_name : in, required, type=string ; short name of the application ; author_description : in, optional, type=string ; full name of the author ; app_description : in, optional, type=string ; full name of the application ;- function mgffprefs::init, author_name=authorName, app_name=appName, $ author_description=authorDescription, $ app_description=appDescription compile_opt strictarr on_error, 2 if (n_elements(authorName) eq 0L || n_elements(appName) eq 0L) then begin message, 'Author and application name required' endif self.appdir = self->_getAppDir(authorName, appName, $ author_description=authorDescription, $ app_description=appDescription) return, 1 end ;+ ; Define instance variables. ; ; :Fields: ; appdir ; directory to place preference files ;- pro mgffprefs__define compile_opt strictarr define = { MGffPrefs, $ appdir: '' $ } end ; main-level example program authorName = 'mgffprefs_demo' appName = 'mgffprefs_demo' prefs = obj_new('mgffprefs', author_name=authorName, app_name=appName) prefs->set, 'name', 'Michael' obj_destroy, prefs prefs = obj_new('mgffprefs', author_name=authorName, app_name=appName) name = prefs->get('name', found=found) prefs->getProperty, app_directory=appdir obj_destroy, prefs print, name, format='(%"Preference value for name: %s")' file_delete, file_dirname(appdir), /recursive, /allow_nonexistent, /quiet end