To install the dist_tools package::

  1. Place the src/ directory in the `!path` and `!dlm_path` with your 
     preferred method, i.e., on UNIX platforms the `IDL_PATH` and 
     `IDL_DLM_PATH` environment variables can be appended to.
  2. Build the dist_tools DLM. On UNIX platforms, you should be able to
     simply use the Makefile in the top-level directory, i.e., type::
        $ make
     On Windows systems, use `` from within IDL 
     to build::
        IDL> mg_build_dist_tools_docs
     A correctly configured `!make_dll` system variable (using a compiler that 
     is installed on the system) and the dist_tools package are required to
  3. To test the dist_tools package, the mgunit package is required. On 
     UNIX platforms, use the `unit` makefile target::
        $ make unit
     On Windows systems, use mgunit directly::
        IDL> mgunit, 'dist_tools_uts'
     from the `unittests` directory.