; docformat = 'rst' ;+ ; Finds the routines (normal functions and procedures) needed for the code ; inside a file i.e. the routines it calls, the routines those routines call, ; etc. ; ; :Bugs: ; Because RESOLVE_ALL is called to compile all the routines called from ; within the given routine, RESOLVE_ALL is always present in the resolved ; routines. It and its helper UNIQ are removed from the output (but may ; actually be present). ; ; :Returns: ; string array of routine names ; ; :Params: ; file : in, required, type=string ; file basename without the .pro extension to resolve for called ; routines ; ; :Keywords: ; count : out, optional, type=long ; number of called routines found ; ; bridge : in, out, optional, type=object ; IDL_IDLBridge object used to resolve routines; if a bridge is not ; passed in, one is created; if a named variable is passed, the bridge ; object will be passed back to the caller, otherwise the bridge is ; destroyed ;- function mg_called_routines, file, count=count, bridge=bridge compile_opt strictarr ignores = ['RESOLVE_ALL', 'RESOLVE_ALL_BODY', 'RESOLVE_ALL_CLASS', '$MAIN$', 'UNIQ'] filename = file + '.pro' bridge = obj_valid(bridge) ? bridge : obj_new('IDL_IDLBridge') cd, current=current bridge->execute, string(current, format='(%"cd, ''%s''")') bridge->execute, '.reset_session' bridge->execute, string(file, format='(%"resolve_routine, ''%s'', /either")') bridge->execute, 'resolve_all' bridge->execute, 'help, /source, /full, output=output' output = bridge->getVar('output') if (~arg_present(bridge)) then obj_destroy, bridge count = 0L continued = 0B routines = [''] for i = 0L, n_elements(output) - 1L do begin if (strpos(output[i], 'Compiled Procedures:') eq 0L) then continue if (strpos(output[i], 'Compiled Functions:') eq 0L) then continue if (output[i] eq '') then continue if (strmid(output[i], 0, 1) eq ' ') then begin basename = file_basename(strtrim(output[i], 2)) ; ignore helper routines in the same file if (basename eq filename) then begin ; don't need to ignore routines in the ignore list (they have already) ; been ignored if (ignoreCount eq 0L) then begin routines = routines[0:--count] endif endif endif else begin tokens = strsplit(output[i], count=ntokens, /extract) ind = where(tokens[0] eq ignores, ignoreCount) if (ignoreCount eq 0L) then begin routines = [routines, tokens[0]] count++ if (ntokens eq 2L) then begin basename = file_basename(strtrim(tokens[1], 2)) if (basename eq filename) then routines = routines[0:--count] endif endif endelse endfor return, count eq 0L ? -1L : routines[1:*] end ; main-level example program r = ['mg_called_routines', 'idldoc', 'idldoc_version', 'man'] for i = 0L, n_elements(r) - 1L do begin routines = mg_called_routines(r[i], count=count, bridge=bridge) if (count eq 0L) then begin print, r[i], format='(%"No routines needed by %s")' endif else begin print, count, r[i], strjoin(routines, ', '), $ format='(%"%d routines needed for %s: %s")' endelse endfor obj_destroy, bridge end