; docformat = 'rst' ;+ ; Uses Google weather web service to report the current weather conditions and ; a 4 day forecast. ; ; The raw data from Google looks like:: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;- ;+ ; Print the information collected during the parsing. ;- pro mgffweatherparser::print compile_opt strictarr, hidden print, self.city, self.datetime, format='(%"Weather report for %s (%s)")' print, self.current_temp, self.current_condition, $ format='(%"Current conditions are %s and %s")' ; print the forecast foreach day, self.forecast_conditions do begin print, day['day_of_week'], day['condition'], day['high'], day['low'], $ format='(%"%s -> %s %s/%s")' endforeach end ;+ ; Called by the parser when an XML tag is started. ;- pro mgffweatherparser::startElement, uri, local, qname, attName, attValue compile_opt strictarr, hidden case qname of ; some information about the forecast itself 'current_date_time': self.datetime = attValue[0] 'city': self.city = attValue[0] ; determine if we are giving a current condition or a forecast condition 'current_conditions': self.current = 1B 'forecast_conditions': begin self.current = 0B ; forecast conditions add a hash table at the end of the forecast list self.forecast_conditions->add, hash() end ; the only special current condition tag 'temp_f': self.current_temp = attValue ; the forecast condition tags 'day_of_week': ((self.forecast_conditions)[-1])['day_of_week'] = attValue[0] 'low': ((self.forecast_conditions)[-1])['low'] = attValue[0] 'high': ((self.forecast_conditions)[-1])['high'] = attValue[0] ; condition is an accepted tag for both current and forecast conditions 'condition': begin if (self.current) then begin self.current_condition = attValue endif else begin ((self.forecast_conditions)[-1])['condition'] = attValue[0] endelse end else: endcase end ;+ ; Initialize the weather parser object. ; ; :Returns: ; 1 for success, 0 for failure ; ; :Keywords: ; _extra : in, optional, type=keywords ; keywords to IDLffXMLSAX::init ;- function mgffweatherparser::init, _extra=e compile_opt strictarr, hidden if (~self->IDLffXMLSAX::init(_extra=e)) then return, 0 self.forecast_conditions = list() return, 1 end ;+ ; Define inheritance from IDLffXMLSAX and the instance variables. ;- pro mgffweatherparser__define compile_opt strictarr, hidden define = { MGffWeatherParser, inherits IDLffXMLSAX, $ city: '', $ datetime: '', $ current: 0B, $ current_temp: '', $ current_condition: '', $ forecast_conditions: obj_new() $ } end ;+ ; Print the current conditions and a 4 day forecast for the given location. ; ; :Examples: ; For example:: ; ; IDL> mg_weather, 'Boulder, CO' ; Weather report for Boulder, CO at 2010-09-29 22:03:04 +0000 ; Current conditions are 84 and Partly Cloudy ; Wed -> Clear 83/49 ; Thu -> Sunny 79/50 ; Fri -> Partly Cloudy 81/50 ; Sat -> Sunny 75/46 ; ; :Params: ; location : in, required, type=string ; zip code or city/state name, like '80303' or 'Boulder, CO' ;- pro mg_weather, location compile_opt strictarr ; replace contiguous spaces with a '%20' _location = strjoin(strsplit(location, ' ', /extract), '%20') ; define the web service call URL url = string(_location, format='(%"http://google.com/ig/api?weather=%s")') weatherParser = MGffWeatherParser() weatherParser->parseFile, url, /url weatherParser->print obj_destroy, weatherParser end ; main-level example program mg_weather, 'Boulder, CO' mg_weather, '46350' end