; docformat = 'rst' ;+ ; Encode a string using Base64, performs the inverse operation as ; `MG_BASE64DECODE`. ; ; :Examples: ; Try:: ; ; IDL> s = 'username: password' ; IDL> print, s, format='(%"Original string: \"%s\"")' ; Original string: "username: password" ; IDL> enc = mg_base64encode(s) ; IDL> print, enc, format='(%"Encoded string: \"%s\"")' ; Encoded string: "dXNlcm5hbWU6IHBhc3N3b3Jk" ; IDL> dec = mg_base64decode(enc) ; IDL> print, dec, format='(%"Decoded string: \"%s\"")' ; Decoded string: "username: password" ; ; :Returns: ; string ; ; :Params: ; s : in, required, type=string ; string to encode ;- function mg_base64encode, s compile_opt strictarr _translate = [bindgen(26) + (byte('A'))[0], $ ; A-Z bindgen(26) + (byte('a'))[0], $ ; a-z bindgen(10) + (byte('0'))[0], $ ; 0-9 (byte('+'))[0], $ ; + (byte('/'))[0]] ; / npadding = 3 - strlen(s) mod 3 npadding = npadding eq 3L ? 0L : npadding b = npadding eq 0L ? byte(s) : [byte(s), bytarr(npadding)] n = n_elements(b) ind = bytarr(4 * n / 3) reads, string(b, format='(' + strtrim(n, 2) + 'B08)'), ind, $ format='(' + strtrim(4 * n / 3, 2) + 'B6)' return, string(_translate[ind[0:n_elements(ind) - npadding - 1L]]) $ + (npadding gt 0L ? strjoin(strarr(npadding) + '=') : '') end ; main-level example program s = 'Man is distinguished, not only by his reason, but by this singular ' $ + 'passion from other animals, which is a lust of the mind, that by ' $ + 'a perseverance of delight in the continued and indefatigable ' $ + 'generation of knowledge, exceeds the short vehemence of any carnal ' $ + 'pleasure.' print, mg_base64encode(s) end