;:tabSize=4:indentSize=4:noTabs=true: ;:folding=explicit:collapseFolds=1: ;+ ; NAME: mgnetsocket_Example ; ; ; PURPOSE: This program demonstrates the use of the mgnetsocket ; class. ; ; AUTHOR: ; Rick Towler ; NOAA Alaska Fisheries Science Center ; F/AKC1 ; 7600 Sand Point Way NE ; Seattle, WA 98115 ; ; ; CATEGORY: Networking ; ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; mgnetsocket_Example ; ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: Rick Towler, 20 July 2007 ; ;- ; Demonstrate UDP socket communications ; You can create UDP sockets in one of two ways: ; ; mgnetsocket::CreatePort will create a local socket and bind it ; to an local adapter and port. No default destination host and ; port are defined so you must use mgnetsocket::SendTo to send ; data from this type of UDP socket. ; ; mgnetsocket::Connect creates a local socket, binds it to a ; local adapter and port, and specifies a default destination host ; and port. This allows you to use mgnetsocket::Send to send ; data to a remote machine. mgnetsocket::Send is more efficient ; than mgnetsocket::SendTo and this method is recommended if ; most or all of the communication from this socket will be with ; a single remote machine. Note that these peered sockets can still ; send data to other sockets using SendTo. ; ; Note that if you do not specify a local port value, or specify ; a local port value of 0, the OS will pick the local port for you. ; This is the generally preferred method for client side sockets. ; Use mgnetsocket::GetProperty to get the local port in these cases ; (if you need know). ; ; create a port using mgnetsocket::CreatePort udpOne = OBJ_NEW('mgnetsocket') ok = udpOne -> CreatePort(/UDP) udpOne -> GetProperty, LOCALPORT=udpOnePort, LOCALHOST=lh PRINT, 'Local UDP port opened on ' + lh + ' port ' + STRTRIM(udpOnePort,2) ; create a port using mgnetsocket::Connect ; "connect" to the port we just created above udpTwo = OBJ_NEW('mgnetsocket') ok = udpTwo -> Connect('', udpOnePort, /UDP) udpTwo -> GetProperty, LOCALPORT=udpTwoPort, LOCALHOST=lh PRINT, 'Peered local UDP port opened on ' + lh + ' port ' + STRTRIM(udpTwoPort,2) PRINT, '' ; Simple send and receive - From Two to One ; Since udpTwo is "connected" or rather peered to udpOne, ; we can use mgnetsockets::Send to send the data w/o ; specifying the destination host and port. This is ; a bit more efficient than using the SendTo method. datSend = 'This is a test' nbSent = udpTwo -> Send(datSend) PRINT, 'Sent ' + STRTRIM(nbSent, 2) + ' bytes...' WAIT, 0.5 nbrecv = udpOne -> Receive(data=datRecv) PRINT, 'Received ' + STRTRIM(nbrecv, 2) + ' bytes: ' + STRING(datRecv) PRINT, '' ; Send something back the other way - From One to Two ; Since udpOne is not peered, we need to use the SendTo method. ; Note that you can pass a string that represents the host as ; we do below, or you can use the Name2Host method to get the ; ULONG host ID and pass that. If making multiple calls to ; SendTo, the latter method is preferred. datSend = 'Going back the other way...' nbSent = udpOne -> SendTo(datSend, '', udpTwoPort) PRINT, 'Sent ' + STRTRIM(nbSent, 2) + ' bytes...' WAIT, 0.5 nbrecv = udpTwo -> Receive(data=datRecv) PRINT, 'Received ' + STRTRIM(nbrecv, 2) + ' bytes: ' + STRING(datRecv) PRINT, '' ; You can also send and receive more complicated data packets. ; construct the data packet... d = FINDGEN(10) * 20 datSend = BYTE(d, 0, N_ELEMENTS(d) * 4) d = DINDGEN(5) datSend = [datSend, BYTE(d, 0, N_ELEMENTS(d) * 8)] d = 'Here''s some data' datSend = [datSend, BYTE(d)] ; and send it nbSent = udpTwo -> Send(datSend) PRINT, 'Sent ' + STRTRIM(nbSent, 2) + ' bytes...' WAIT, 0.5 ; receive the data and copy to the objects buffer nbrecv = udpOne -> Receive(/TOBUFFER) PRINT, 'Received ' + STRTRIM(nbrecv, 2) + ' bytes to buffer' ; now extract our data from the buffer ; read the 10 floats data = udpOne -> ReadBuffer(nbytes, nels=10, type='FLOAT') PRINT, 'Read ' + STRTRIM(nbytes, 2) + ' bytes from buffer' help, data print, data ; read the 5 doubles data = udpOne -> ReadBuffer(nbytes, nels=5, type='DOUBLE') PRINT, 'Read ' + STRTRIM(nbytes, 2) + ' bytes from buffer' help, data print, data ; read the rest of the data as BYTE data = udpOne -> ReadBuffer(nbytes) PRINT, 'Read ' + STRTRIM(nbytes, 2) + ' bytes from buffer' help, data print, STRING(data) PRINT, '' ; peered UDP sockets can send data to other sockets than ; the one they are peered to: udpThree = OBJ_NEW('mgnetsocket') ok = udpThree -> CreatePort(/UDP) udpThree -> GetProperty, LOCALPORT=udpThreePort, LOCALHOST=lh PRINT, 'Local UDP port opened on ' + lh + ' port ' + STRTRIM(udpThreePort,2) PRINT, '' datSend = 'Peered UDP sockets can send data to other sockets too using mgnetsockets::SendTo' hostID = udpThree -> Name2Host('') ; here we use the Name2Host method to get the HostID and pass that to SendTo nbSent = udpTwo -> SendTo(datSend, hostID, udpThreePort) PRINT, 'Sent ' + STRTRIM(nbSent, 2) + ' bytes...' WAIT, 0.5 nbrecv = udpThree -> Receive(data=datRecv) PRINT, 'Received ' + STRTRIM(nbrecv, 2) + ' bytes: ' + STRING(datRecv) PRINT, '' ; Clean up OBJ_DESTROY, [udpOne, udpTwo, udpThree] end