; docformat = 'rst' ;+ ; Routine for extracting datasets, slices of datasets, or attributes from ; an netCDF file with simple notation. ; ; :Todo: ; better error messages when items not found ; access for global attributes ; ; :Categories: ; file i/o, netcdf, sdf ; ; :Examples: ; An example file is provided with the IDL distribution:: ; ; IDL> f = filepath('hdf5_test.h5', subdir=['examples', 'data']) ; ; A full dataset can be easily extracted:: ; ; IDL> fullResult = mg_h5_getdata(f, '/arrays/3D int array') ; ; Slices can also be pulled out:: ; ; IDL> bounds = [[3, 3, 1], [5, 49, 2], [0, 49, 3]] ; IDL> res1 = mg_h5_getdata(f, '/arrays/3D int array', bounds=bounds) ; IDL> help, res1 ; RESULT1 LONG = Array[1, 23, 17] ; ; Verify that the slice is the same as the slice pulled out of the ; fullResult:: ; ; IDL> same = array_equal(fullResult[3, 5:*:2, 0:49:3], res1) ; IDL> print, same ? 'equal' : 'error' ; equal ; ; Normal IDL array indexing notation can be used as well:: ; ; IDL> bounds = '3, 5:*:2, 0:49:3' ; IDL> res2 = mg_h5_getdata(f, '/arrays/3D int array', bounds=bounds) ; IDL> print, array_equal(res1, res2) ? 'equal' : 'error' ; equal ; ; The variable location and bounds can be combined to slice a variable:: ; ; IDL> res3 = mg_h5_getdata(f, '/arrays/3D int array[3, 5:*:2, 0:49:3]') ; IDL> print, array_equal(res1, res3) ? 'equal' : 'error' ; equal ; ; Attributes can be accessed as well:: ; ; IDL> print, mg_h5_getdata(f, '/images/Eskimo.CLASS') ; IMAGE ; ; This example is available as a main-level program included in this file:: ; ; IDL> .run mg_nc_getdata ; ; :Author: ; Michael Galloy ;- ;+ ; Converts 1 dimension of a possibly multi-dimensional set of indices ; to `[start_index, stop_index, stride]` form. ; ; :Private: ; ; :Returns: ; `lonarr(3)` ; ; :Params: ; sbounds : in, required, type=string ; notation for 1 dimension, e.g., '0', '3:9', '3:*:2' ; dim_size : in, required, type=lonarr ; size of the dimension being converted ;- function mg_nc_getdata_convertbounds_1d, sbounds, dim_size compile_opt strictarr args = strsplit(sbounds, ':', /extract, count=nargs) result = [0L, dim_size - 1L, 1L] case nargs of 1: begin if (args[0] ne '*') then begin index = long(args) if (index lt 0L) then index += dim_size result[0:1] = index endif end 2: begin if (args[1] eq '*') then begin result[0] = long(args[0]) result[0] = result[0] lt 0L ? (dim_size + result[0]) : result[0] endif else begin result[0:1] = long(args) if (result[0] lt 0L) then result[0] = dim_size + result[0] if (result[1] lt 0L) then result[1] = dim_size + result[1] endelse end 3: begin if (args[1] eq '*') then begin result[0] = long(args[0]) result[0] = result[0] lt 0L ? (dim_size + result[0]) : result[0] result[2] = long(args[2]) endif else begin result[0:2] = long(args) if (result[0] lt 0L) then result[0] = dim_size + result[0] if (result[1] lt 0L) then result[1] = dim_size + result[1] endelse end else: message, 'invalid indexing notation: ' + sbounds endcase return, result end ;+ ; Converts normal IDL indexing notation (represented as a string) into a ; `lonarr(ndims, 3)` where the first row is start values, the second row is ; the end values, and the last row is the stride value. ; ; :Private: ; ; :Returns: ; lonarr(ndims, 3) ; ; :Params: ; sbounds : in, required, type=string ; bounds specified as a string using IDL's normal indexing notation ; ; :Keywords: ; dimensions : in, optional, type=lonarr(ndims) ; dimensions of the full array; required if a '*' is used in sbounds ; single : out, optional, type=boolean ; set to a named variable to determine if the bounds expression was ; specified in single-index dimensioning ;- function mg_nc_getdata_convertbounds, sbounds, dimensions=dimensions, $ single=single compile_opt strictarr on_error, 2 dimIndices = strtrim(strsplit(sbounds, ',', /extract, count=ndims), 2) result = lonarr(ndims, 3) case ndims of 1: begin single = 1B result[0, *] = tx_nc_getdata_convertbounds_1dim(dimIndices[0],$ product(dimensions)) end n_elements(dimensions): begin single = 0B for d = 0L, ndims - 1L do begin result[d, *] = mg_nc_getdata_convertbounds_1d(dimIndices[d], dimensions[d]) endfor end else: message, 'invalid number of dimensions in array indexing notation' endcase return, result end ;+ ; Compute the hyperslab arguments from the bounds. ; ; :Private: ; ; :Params: ; bounds : in, required, type="lonarr(ndims, 3)" ; bounds ; ; :Keywords: ; offset : out, optional, type=lonarr(ndims) ; input for offset argument to NCDF_VARGET ; count : out, optional, type=lonarr(ndims) ; input for count argument to NCDF_VARGET ; stride : out, optional, type=lonarr(ndims) ; input for stride keyword to NCDF_VARGET ;- pro mg_nc_getdata_computeslab, bounds, $ offset=offset, $ count=count, $ stride=stride compile_opt strictarr ndims = (size(bounds, /dimensions))[0] offset = reform(bounds[*, 0]) stride = reform(bounds[*, 2]) count = ceil((bounds[*, 1] - bounds[*, 0] + 1L) / float(bounds[*, 2])) > 1 end ;+ ; Reads data in a dataset. ; ; :Private: ; ; :Returns: ; value of data read from dataset ; ; :Params: ; fileId : in, required, type=long ; netCDF indentifier of the file ; variable : in, required, type=string ; string navigating the path to the dataset ; ; :Keywords: ; bounds : in, optional, type="lonarr(3, ndims) or string" ; gives start value, end value, and stride for each dimension of the ; variable ; error : out, optional, type=long ; error value ;- function mg_nc_getdata_getvariable, fileId, variable, bounds=bounds, $ error=error compile_opt strictarr catch, error if (error ne 0L) then begin catch, /cancel error = 1L return, -1L endif ; get full dimensions of variable varId = ncdf_varid(fileId, variable) varInfo = ncdf_varinq(fileId, varId) dimensions = lonarr(varInfo.ndims) for d = 0L, varInfo.ndims - 1L do begin ncdf_diminq, fileId, varInfo.dim[d], dimName, dimSize dimensions[d] = dimSize endfor fullBounds = [[lonarr(varInfo.ndims)], $ [dimensions - 1L], $ [lonarr(varInfo.ndims) + 1L]] ; convert input bounds to a lonarr(ndims, 3) bounds specification case size(bounds, /type) of 0: _bounds = fullBounds 7: _bounds = mg_nc_getdata_convertbounds(bounds, dimensions=dimensions) else: _bounds = transpose(bounds) endcase mg_nc_getdata_computeslab, _bounds, $ offset=offset, $ count=count, $ stride=stride ncdf_varget, fileId, varId, value, count=count, offset=offset, stride=stride return, value end ;+ ; Get the value of the attribute from its group, dataset, or type. ; ; :Private: ; ; :Returns: ; attribute data ; ; :Params: ; fileId : in, required, type=long ; identifier of netCDF file ; varId : in, required, type=long ; identifier of variable ; attname : in, required, type=string ; attribute name ;- function mg_h5_getdata_getattributedata, fileId, varId, attname, global=global compile_opt strictarr on_error, 2 if (keyword_set(global)) then begin ncdf_attget, fileId, attname, attvalue, /global attInfo = ncdf_attinq(fileId, attname, /global) endif else begin ncdf_attget, fileId, varId, attname, attvalue attInfo = ncdf_attinq(fileId, varId, attname) endelse if (attInfo.dataType eq 'CHAR') then attvalue = string(attvalue) return, attvalue end ;+ ; Get the value of an attribute in a file. ; ; :Private: ; ; :Returns: ; attribute value ; ; :Params: ; fileId : in, required, type=long ; netCDF file identifier of the file to read ; variable : in, required, type=string ; path to attribute using "/" to navigate groups/datasets and "." to ; indicate the attribute name ; ; :Keywords: ; error : out, optional, type=long ; error value ;- function mg_nc_getdata_getattribute, fileId, variable, error=error compile_opt strictarr catch, error if (error ne 0L) then begin catch, /cancel error = 1L return, -1L endif tokens = strsplit(variable, '.', escape='\', count=ndots) dotpos = tokens[ndots - 1L] - 1L loc = strmid(variable, 0, dotpos) attname = strmid(variable, dotpos + 1L) if (loc eq '') then begin data = mg_h5_getdata_getattributedata(fileId, -1L, attname, /global) endif else begin varId = ncdf_varid(fileId, loc) data = mg_h5_getdata_getattributedata(fileId, varId, attname) endelse return, data end ;+ ; Pulls out a section of a netCDF variable. ; ; :Returns: ; data array ; ; :Params: ; filename : in, required, type=string ; filename of the netCDF file ; variable : in, required, type=string ; variable name (with path if inside a group) ; ; :Keywords: ; bounds : in, optional, type="lonarr(3, ndims) or string" ; gives start value, end value, and stride for each dimension of the ; variable ; error : out, optional, type=long ; error value ;- function mg_nc_getdata, filename, variable, bounds=bounds, error=error compile_opt strictarr on_error, 2 fileId = ncdf_open(filename, /nowrite) tokens = strsplit(variable, '.', escape='\', count=ntokens, /preserve_null) ndots = ntokens - 1L _variable = strpos(variable, '/') eq 0L ? strmid(variable, 1) : variable if (ndots eq 0L) then begin ; variable bracketPos = strpos(_variable, '[') if (bracketPos eq -1L) then begin if (n_elements(bounds) gt 0L) then _bounds = bounds endif else begin closeBracketPos = strpos(_variable, ']', /reverse_search) _bounds = strmid(_variable, bracketPos + 1L, closeBracketPos - bracketPos - 1L) _variable = strmid(_variable, 0L, bracketPos) endelse result = mg_nc_getdata_getvariable(fileId, _variable, bounds=_bounds, $ error=error) if (error) then message, 'variable not found', /informational endif else begin ; attribute result = mg_nc_getdata_getattribute(fileId, _variable, error=error) if (error) then message, 'attribute not found', /informational endelse ncdf_close, fileId return, result end ; main-level example program sample_filename = file_which('sample.nc') im = mg_nc_getdata(sample_filename, '/image') title = mg_nc_getdata(sample_filename, '/image.TITLE') dims = size(im, /dimensions) window, /free, title=title, xsize=dims[0], ysize=dims[1] tvscl, im window, /free, title='Profile at row = 256', xsize=600, ysize=200 plot, mg_nc_getdata(sample_filename, '/image[*, 256]'), $ yrange=[0, 255], xstyle=9, ystyle=9 ncgroup_filename = file_which('ncgroup.nc') end