; docformat = 'rst' pro visgrsimpletreemapmodel::getProperty, items=items, bounds=bounds compile_opt strictarr if (arg_present(items)) then items = self.items if (arg_present(bounds)) then bounds = self.bounds end pro visgrsimpletreemapmodel::setProperty, items=items, bounds=bounds compile_opt strictarr if (n_elements(items) gt 0L) then self.items = items if (n_elements(bounds) gt 0L) then self.bounds = bounds end pro visgrsimpletreemapmodel::cleanup compile_opt strictarr obj_destroy, [self.items, self.bounds] end function visgrsimpletreemapmodel::init, items=items, bounds=bounds compile_opt strictarr self.items = n_elements(items) eq 0L ? obj_new() : items self.bounds = n_elements(bounds) eq 0L ? obj_new() : bounds return, 1 end ;+ ; Define instance variables. ; ; :Fields: ; items ; IDL_Container of TreemapItems ; bounds ; Rect of bounds ;- pro visgrsimpletreemapmodel__define compile_opt strictarr define = { VISgrSimpleTreemapModel, $ items: obj_new(), $ bounds: obj_new() $ } end