;+ ; Reads connectivity list section and returns the connectivity list. ; ; :Returns: ; `lonarr` ; ; :Params: ; nItems : in, required, type=integer ; the number of polygons ; size : in, required, type=integer ; total number of elements in the connectivity list ;- function mgffserialvtk::readConnectivityListSection, nItems, size compile_opt strictarr conn = lonarr(size) self->getData, conn return, conn end ;+ ; Reads a `POINTS` section and returns the points. ; ; :Returns: ; `(3, nPoints)` array of given type ; ; :Params: ; nPoints : in, required, type=integer ; number of points ; type : in, required, type=integer ; IDL type code for the data type of the points ;- function mgffserialvtk::readPointsSection, nPoints, type compile_opt strictarr nDimensions = 3L points = make_array(nPoints * nDimensions, type=type) self->getData, points return, reform(points, nDimensions, nPoints) end ;+ ; Reads the sections of a POLYDATA dataset. ; ; :Returns: ; object ;- pro mgffserialvtk::readPolydataDataset compile_opt strictarr, logical_predicate done = 0B while (~eof(self.lun) && ~done) do begin sectionLine = self->getLine() sectionTokens = strsplit(sectionLine, /extract) case strlowcase(sectionTokens[0]) of 'points' : begin nPoints = long(sectionTokens[1]) type = self->convertVtkTypeToIdlType(sectionTokens[2]) points = self->readPointsSection(nPoints, type) end 'vertices' : begin nVertices = long(sectionTokens[1]) size = long(sectionTokens[2]) vertices = self->readConnectivityListSection(nVertices, size) end 'lines' : begin nLines = long(sectionTokens[1]) size = long(sectionTokens[2]) lines = self->readConnectivityListSection(nLines, size) end 'polygons' : begin nPolygons = long(sectionTokens[1]) size = long(sectionTokens[2]) polygons = self->readConnectivityListSection(nPolygons, size) end 'triangle_strips' : begin nTriangleStrips = long(sectionTokens[1]) size = long(sectionTokens[2]) triangleStrips = self->readConnectivityListSection(nTriangleStrips, size) nTriangles = size - 3 * nTriangleStrips triangles = lonarr(4 * nTriangles) i = 0 j = 0 while (i lt n_elements(triangleStrips) - 1L) do begin list = triangleStrips[i + 1:triangleStrips[i] + i] result = [[lonarr(triangleStrips[i]) + 3L], $ [shift(list, 2)], $ [shift(list, 1)], $ [list]] result = reform(transpose(result[2:*, *]), 4L * (triangleStrips[i] - 2L)) triangles[j] = result j += 4L * (triangleStrips[i] - 2L) i += triangleStrips[i] + 1 endwhile end '' : ; skip blank lines else : begin ; if we don't recognize the next line, we've read too far done = 1B self->putBackLine, sectionLine end endcase endwhile if (n_elements(polygons) gt 0) then begin self.dataset = obj_new('IDLgrPolygon', points, polygons=polygons) endif if (n_elements(lines) gt 0) then begin self.dataset = obj_new('IDLgrPolyline', points, polylines=lines) endif if (n_elements(triangles) gt 0) then begin self.dataset = obj_new('IDLgrPolygon', points, polygons=triangles) endif end pro mgffserialvtk::readTextureCoordinatesAttribute, nPoints, dataName, dim, $ dataType compile_opt strictarr texCoords = make_array(nPoints * dim, type=dataType) self->getData, texCoords texCoords = reform(texCoords, dim, nPoints) self.dataset->setProperty, texture_coord=texCoords, color=[255, 255, 255] end pro mgffserialvtk::readVectorsAttribute, nPoints, dataName, dataType compile_opt strictarr nDimensions = 3L vectors = make_array(nPoints * nDimensions, type=type) self->getData, vectors vectors = reform(vectors, nDimensions, nPoints) ; TODO: what to do with this vector? end pro readScalarsAttribute, nPoints, dataName, dataType, numComp compile_opt strictarr lookupTableLine = self->getLine() lookupTableTokens = strsplit(lookupTableLine, /extract) if (strlowcase(lookupTableTokens[0]) eq 'lookup_table') then begin tableName = lookupTableTokens[1] lookupTable = make_array(nPoints, type=dataType) self->getData, lookupTable ; TODO: what to do with this table? endif else self->putBackLine, lookupTableLine end pro mgffserialvtk::readNormalsAttribute, nPoints, dataName, dataType compile_opt strictarr nDimensions = 3L normals = make_array(nPoints * nDimensions, type=type) self->getData, normals normals = reform(normals, nDimensions, nPoints) self.dataset->setProperty, normals=normals end pro mgffserialvtk::readCellData, nCells compile_opt strictarr done = 0B while (~eof(self.lun) && ~done) do begin attributeLine = self->getLine() attributeTokens = strsplit(attributeLine, /extract) case strlowcase(attributeTokens[0]) of 'scalars' : ; not implemented yet 'color_scalars' : ; not implemented yet 'lookup_table' : ; not implemented yet 'vectors' : ; not implemented yet 'normals' : ; not implemented yet 'texture_coordinates' : ; not implemented yet 'tensors' : ; not implemented yet 'field' : ; not implemented yet '' : ; skip blank lines else : begin done = 1B self->putBackLine, attributeLine end endcase endwhile end pro mgffserialvtk::readPointData, nPoints compile_opt strictarr done = 0B while (~eof(self.lun) && ~done) do begin attributeLine = self->getLine() attributeTokens = strsplit(attributeLine, /extract) case strlowcase(attributeTokens[0]) of 'scalars' : begin dataName = attributeTokens[1] dataType = self->convertVtkTypeToIdlType(attributeTokens[2]) numComp = n_elements(attributeTokens) gt 3 $ ? long(attributeTokens[3]) $ : 1L self->readScalarsAttribute, nPoints, dataName, dataType, numComp end 'color_scalars' : ; not implemented yet 'lookup_table' : ; not implemented yet 'vectors' : begin dataName = attributeTokens[1] dataType = self->convertVtkTypeToIdlType(attributeTokens[2]) self->readVectorsAttribute, nPoints, dataName, dataType end 'normals' : begin dataName = attributeTokens[1] dataType = self->convertVtkTypeToIdlType(attributeTokens[2]) self->readNormalsAttribute, nPoints, dataName, dataType end 'texture_coordinates' : begin dataName = attributeTokens[1] dim = long(attributeTokens[2]) dataType = self->convertVtkTypeToIdlType(attributeTokens[3]) self->readTextureCoordinatesAttribute, nPoints, dataName, dim, dataType end 'tensors' : ; not implemented yet 'field' : ; not implemented yet '' : ; skip blank lines else : begin done = 1B self->putBackLine, attributeLine end endcase endwhile end pro mgffserialvtk::readDataset, datasetType compile_opt strictarr case strlowcase(datasetType) of 'structured_points' : ; not implemented 'structured_grid' : ; not implemented 'rectilinear_grid' : ; not implemented 'polydata' : self->readPolydataDataset 'unstructured_grid' : ; not implemented 'field' : ; not sure if this is possible endcase end pro mgffserialvtk::readTopLevelLine compile_opt strictarr topLevelLine = self->getLine() lineTokens = strsplit(topLevelLine, /extract) case strlowcase(lineTokens[0]) of 'dataset' : self->readDataset, lineTokens[1] 'point_data' : self->readPointData, long(lineTokens[1]) 'cell_data' : self->readCellData, long(lineTokens[1]) '' : ; ignore blank lines else : ; error endcase end function mgffserialvtk::read compile_opt strictarr while (~eof(self.lun)) do begin self->readTopLevelLine endwhile return, self.dataset end ;+ ; Read version line, header line, and file format line. ;- pro mgffserialvtk::readHeader compile_opt strictarr on_error, 2 versionLine = '' readf, self.lun, versionLine self.version = stregex(versionLine, '[0-9.]+', /extract) header = '' readf, self.lun, header self.header = header fileType = '' readf, self.lun, fileType case strlowcase(fileType) of 'ascii' : self.binary = 0B 'binary' : self.binary = 1B else : message, 'Invalid file type: ' + fileType endcase end ;+ ; Converts a VTK type into an IDL type code. ; ; :Returns: ; integer ; ; :Params: ; vtkType : in, required, type=string ; one of the VTK types: bit, unsigned_char, char, unsigned_short, short, ; unsigned_int, int, unsigned_long, long, float, double ;- function mgffserialvtk::convertVtkTypeToIdlType, vtkType compile_opt strictarr on_error, 2 case strlowcase(vtkType) of 'bit' : message, 'Unsupported type: bit' 'unsigned_char' : return, 1 'char' : message, 'Unsupported type: char' 'unsigned_short' : return, 12 'short' : return, 2 'unsigned_int' : return, 13 'int' : return, 3 'unsigned_long' : return, 15 'long' : return, 14 'float' : return, 4 'double' : return, 5 else: message, 'Unsupported type: ' + vtkType endcase end pro mgffserialvtk::putBackLine, line compile_opt strictarr on_error, 2 if (self.haveLine) then begin message, 'Internal error: Can''t put back a line when one is already present.' endif self.haveLine = 1B self.line = line end function mgffserialvtk::getLine compile_opt strictarr if (self.haveLine) then begin self.haveLine = 0B return, self.line endif else begin line = '' readf, self.lun, line return, line endelse end ;+ ; Reads any already dimensioned variable. ; ; :Params: ; data : in, out, required, type=any ; IDL variable type to be used with READU or READF ;- pro mgffserialvtk::getData, data compile_opt strictarr if keyword_set(self.binary) then begin readu, self.lun, data endif else begin readf, self.lun, data endelse end ;+ ; Get properties of the object. ; ; :Keywords: ; version : out, optional, type=string ; version of the VTK data file ; file_type : out, optional, type=string ; either ASCII or BINARY ; header : out, optional, type=string ; comments about file ;- pro mgffserialvtk::getProperty, version=version, file_type=fileType, $ header=header compile_opt strictarr version = self.version fileType = keyword_set(self.binary) ? 'BINARY' : 'ASCII' header = self.header end ;+ ; Free resources of object. ;- pro mgffserialvtk::cleanup compile_opt strictarr free_lun, self.lun end ;+ ; Initialize object. ; ; :Returns: ; 1 for success, 0 for failure ; ; :Params: ; filename : in, required, type=string ; filename of VTK serial data file ;- function mgffserialvtk::init, filename, _extra=e compile_opt strictarr openr, lun, filename, /get_lun, _strict_extra=e self.lun = lun self->readHeader return, 1 end ;+ ; Define member variables for the class. ; ; :Fields: ; version ; VTK data file version ;- pro mgffserialvtk__define compile_opt strictarr define = { MGffSerialVTK, $ version: '', $ header: '', $ binary: 0B, $ lun : 0L, $ line: '', $ haveLine: 0B, $ dataset : obj_new() $ } end